15 March 2021 - In today’s fast-paced markets, a robust order matching system can be the difference between efficient trading and investor losses. Providing managers with access to accurate matching and settlement status is critical to this process, which is why Citco is proud to introduce the latest tool to our complete suite of Middle Office Solutions – Citco Æxeo® Trade Matching.
Focused on ensuring trades are matched on trade date while monitoring trade fail queues, Citco’s Æxeo® Trade Matching service connects portfolios to best-in-class matching vendors across all applicable instrument classes within one real-time online trade operations dashboard.
Citco Æxeo® Trade Matching provides clients with oversight on the status of all trading activity, giving users the ability to visualize matching or fail statuses by trading counterparty, prime broker, custodian, fund entity and more. Combined with analytical tools, users have a complete top-down transparent view of volumetric trade data by instrument class across selectable date ranges.
With full support from Citco’s dedicated trade operations team, Citco’s clients benefit from active management of trade matching queues and close monitoring of trade fails to ensure settlement occurs on time and without issue.
Providing flexible solutions, the Citco way.